Tuesday, October 27, 2009


october has always been a busy month. especially the first week. chris celebrated his 24 birthday on october 10. chris has been living in carey for the last few months and seems to be loving his job finally. it seems he has made great new friends, although chris has never had a problem making friends. with someone and sweet and kind hearted as he is, how could you not be his friend. brittany my not so baby of a sister turned 18! on october 8. hard to believe she is 18 already a senior in high school and thinking of what kind of career she wants to have. trying to decide on colleges. where has all the time gone. i remember the day she came home from the hospital. actually i remember events that happened before she came home. we were living in picabo, i was a second grader, and the grain elevator caught fire. my mom was very much 9 months pregnant with brittany and running around making sure people were safe, and that chris, irene and i were all sent with vee and her family. my oh my how many years that was ago. then brittany came home and that exact same day chris was taken in to the er for a go cart accident. only a kindergardern and already accident prone although this was not news to us about chris and his many accidents. honestly its a blessing he has made it to 24. 12 years ago on october 6 my oldest sister irene brought my beautiful, full of attitude niece in to the world. almost a teenager and attitude to back it up she is still just as beautiful and growing more and more into a young woman every time i see her. well of course birthday don't stop there. no no no that would be too simple! my best friend gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on october 18, 9 years ago, hard to believe that vanessa is already 9 and growing so fast. then last year my 'baby' cousin had a bouncing baby boy on october 18 as well. well i really wish birthday's stopped there but of course they dont. on october 22, 2 weeks before their scheduled c-section my oldest sister once again brought in 2 beautiful baby boys. they are now 7 and still if not more of a handful, but fun nonetheless to be around watching them grow, learn, and become respectful young men. as october slowly comes to an end its great to know that i made it throuh all the birthday madness for another year, although birthdays are not over yet for this year at least i know i only have a couple more.

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