Friday, January 9, 2009

*5 am questions*

okay so as i was laying there wishing i could just fall back to sleep the news came on and of course they were talking about all the things going on around here and things going on in the nation. for instance they were talking about CALIFORNIA and the possibility that they may be putting IOU's in the residents tax returns this year, first this made me laugh i can only imagine what the many resdients of california would look like and what they would be saying when they recieve an IOU in the mail rather than the money they were expecting, of course i also felt bad that our nation as come to giving out IOU's. well the next headline was talking about the automobile bailout, well of course its not just out banks and our automobible companies that want a bailout, NOW the PORN industry is asking for a bailout. LORD help us all if they receieve the bailout when there a millions with out jobs and homes not to mention CALIFORNIA is talking out sending out IOU's i can certainly think of better things to do that bail out the PORN industry. ok so here is where the first qusestion came about: if our government has the ability to just make money why is it we have such a problem? you would think they would just make some money. now im sure all you smart blog readers will have an answer and im sure its a good one not to mention you all think im crazy for asking the question, but keep in mind its a question that came to me at 5 am and id only had less than 4 hours of sleep! well the new continues on and after a while they talk about the gentlemen that on DEC 24, 2008 right here in AUBURNDALE, FLORIDA recently won the lottery. of course he and another in BOCA RATON also won, but the 51 year old gentlemen in AUBURNDALE is taking home a ONE LUMP SUM OF.......................$13.1 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!! here is where the next question came around. here we have a nation who is struggling again i mention the IOU for california residents: how is it we can be so broke our automobile companies, and our banks need a finacial bailout, BUT the LOTTO company can afford to give away MILLIONS of DOLLARS? each of the 50 states have a LOTTO and many of them run in the MILLIONS. does any of this make sense to any one else? again im sure you smart bloggers have a good answer and maybe its best i just sleep at 5 am rather than listening to the news and start asking all these questions.

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