Tuesday, September 2, 2008


how is it a person can have so much going on in their life and still feel empty? life seems to keep moving forward, but that feeling of emptiness never seems to go away. how do you fill a void? is there anything to do to find what will fill the void? i guess the only thing that can really be done is to keep moving on with life. keep trying new things. be around people who make you happy, and feel good. live life one day at a time and hopefully that void will finally get filled. dont ever stop living for yourself.

1 comment:

GatesGang said...

awww my jenners its because you miss me so much and i miss you terribly. i so wish you were closer but you are exactly where your suppose to be right now because look at all the schooling you are getting i am so proud of you. smile and get out to some clubs i love ya